Michelangelo, the great Renaissance artist, left an incredible cultural legacy behind, along with a fascinating mystery: Why did he choose to add horns to his famous sculpture of Moses?
In the eternal city of Rome, not far from the Colosseum, sits the Basilica of San Pietro in Vincoli. Behind the church’s relatively modest façade is one of the world’s most famous works of art, which has made this somewhat ordinary-looking house of worship into a famous location: the sculpture Moses, erected as part of the monument for Pope Julius II.
Michelangelo Buonarroti, one of the most prominent artists of the Renaissance, created the sculpture on the orders of the Pope himself. The work began in 1505, ending ten years later. The Pope, who had commissioned the work for his own tomb, died two years before and did not get to see the finished product.
The sculpture presents the figure of Moses, and in addition to the long beard and the divine tablets he holds, it’s a little surprising to discover that Moses also has a small pair of horns. Two strange bumps protrude from his head in a rather unflattering manner. Some claim that Michelangelo added these in order to mock the Pope, but the more common view is that this artistic decision was based on an error in interpretation.
Michelangelo’s Moses. Photo: Ulrich Mayring
But how can it be that such an esteemed artist, who spent a decade working on his creation, could make such a mistake?
The story is as follows: Michelangelo and many preceding generations of European Christians were familiar with the Vulgate version of the biblical text – largely the work of a man by the name of Jerome. Jerome, who would later be raised to sainthood, was a priest, theologian, and translator who translated the Bible into Latin in the late fourth century CE, relying on previous Greek translations and even studying Hebrew to understand the text of the Old Testament in the original.
“And when Moses came down from the mount Sinai, he held the two tables of the testimony, and he knew not that his face was horned [karan in the original Hebrew] from the conversation of the Lord. And Aaron and the children of Israel seeing the face of Moses horned [karan], were afraid to come near… And they saw that the face of Moses when he came out was horned [karan], but he covered his face again, if at any time he spoke to them.”
Biblia sacra, Antwerp 1599, open to the verses describing Moses’ descent from Mount Sinai (second column from left)
The Hebrew root k-r-n can indeed mean “horn” – as in animal horns. But it has other meanings as well: k-r-n can also mean a ray of light, and the original Hebrew verses here were in fact referring to a verb or action, not a noun. The verb essentially means, “to shine” or “to glow”. The original Hebrew text indicates that Moses’ face was shining, not horned. Jerome was almost certainly familiar with both meanings, but chose to translate karan as “horned”, a mistake which earlier translators had successfully avoided.
The famous Greek translation of the Bible known as the Septuagint explains that Moses’ face was “glorified” or “glorious”, which is a reasonably accurate translation. But Jerome also made use of the Greek translation done by Aquila of Sinope. Aquila grew up in what is now Turkey in the second century. He converted to Judaism, and some identify him with Onkelos, whom we know as the man who translated the Torah into Aramaic.
In any event, Aquila indeed translated the Hebrew root k-r-n as meaning “horn”. It may sound strange to us, but in ancient times horns symbolized power, which is why horns were sometimes attached to the helmets of warriors. To be fair, Aquila was careful to write that Moses had the “appearance” of horns rather than physical ones.
Jerome followed Aquila and used the word cornutam / cornuta in Latin, meaning animal horns, not rays of light.
According to one explanation, the use of the word cornatum may have an antisemitic dimension. Both the New Testament and the Christian faith as a whole attribute the presence of horns to monstrous creatures and even Satan himself. Even though the Old Testament is also holy to Christians, it could be that Moses, as the representative of the Jewish People, was described implicitly as being the leader of an evil people or nation, and the horns thus served as a means to demonize the Jews.
Another possibility is that Jerome, like Aquila before him, got the idea from an entirely different source:
There is a certain early piyut (a Jewish liturgical hymn) that appears in some of the older Ashkenazi prayer books for Jewish holidays. This piyut tells of Moses receiving the Torah on Mount Sinai, and it was customarily recited during the festival of Shavuot, the holiday celebrating the giving of the Torah, when the Torah is read in the synagogue.
The piyut was written in ancient Aramaic in the dialect of the Land of Israel, and it incorporated Greek words as well. The language and structure of the piyut dates it to the era of the Byzantine Empire before the Muslim conquest, but according to scholar Joseph Heinemann, it is based on a folk song, handed down orally from much earlier.
The piyut is comprised of 22 lines, built as an acrostic following the Hebrew alphabet. It was translated into Hebrew in 1966 by Avraham Rosenthal. The piyut opens with the words Arkin Hashem Shemaya Le-Sinai (“God bent Heaven to Sinai”), later describing God placing rays of glory on Moses’ head. So far, so good in aligning with the biblical text. But then, towards the end of the piyut, the angels appear before God and are afraid of Moses, as they claim he might gore or headbutt them.
It may be that this combination of Moses’ physical description (the Hebrew wording being open to interpretation) with his supposed ability to headbutt or gore someone (possibly based on a common, popular understanding which arose during this period), is responsible for creating the image of Moses as actually having horns on his head.
It might be that this was the source Aquila relied upon, which Jerome then copied when preparing the text of the Vulgate.
But is Michelangelo’s work based on this mistranslation?
Art historian Ruth Mellinkoff proved that the association of animal horns with Moses was a common theme in many Christian artistic works in the Middle Ages, and not always negatively so. Sometimes Moses appeared with one horn, a hat from which horns emerged, and even hair in the form of two horns. It would appear that Michelangelo was following a well-established artistic tradition when he decided to add his horns.
Art scholar Malka Rosenthal showed that Moses appeared with horns in Jewish literary illustrations as well. A number of books published in the German city of Fürth between 1741 and 1750 show the figures of Moses and Aharon on the cover, with Moses holding a staff and tablets while a pair of horns appear on his head.
Passover Haggadah, Fürth, 1741
Medieval Jewish commentators like Rashi, Rashbam, and others reject this view, of course. The words of Ibn Ezra concerning a particular heretic named Hivi sum it up fairly dramatically:
“May the bones of the criminal Hivi be crushed, who said that since [Moses] ate no bread, Moses’ face became as dry as a horn. And that the reason [the People of Israel] feared [approaching Moses] was because his face was ugly. And how did this accursed [Hivi] not open his eyes…”
From Fantasy to Reality: The Forbidden Love of Edith and J.R.R. Tolkien
"For she was (and knew she was) my Lúthien." This was how Tolkien explained the unorthodox choice of words which he placed on the tombstone of the woman he loved. What was the connection between Lúthien – the mythological image of female perfection which Tolkien himself created – and his wife Edith? And what caused their three-year separation, which almost ended in her marrying someone else?
Left: Edith Tolkien with her eldest son, John, 1918. Right: A young Ronald Tolkien, 1911.
On the bright green grass in the Catholic section of Wolvercote Cemetery near Oxford, among the lavishly adorned tombstones mostly bearing the names of Polish immigrants, stands one simple gray granite stone, modestly engraved with the names of two characters from one of the most widely-read fantasy books ever written.
Beren and Luthien.
“But wandering in the summer in the woods of Neldoreth he came upon Luthien, daughter of Thingol and Melian, at a time of evening under moonrise, as she danced upon the unfading grass in the glades beside Esgalduin. Then all memory of his pain departed from him, and he fell into an enchantment; for Luthien was the most beautiful of all the Children of Iluvatar. Blue was her raiment as the unclouded heaven, but her eyes were grey as the starlit evening; her mantle was sewn with golden flowers, but her hair was dark as the shadows of twilight. As the light upon the leaves of trees, as the voice of clear waters, as the stars above the mists of the world, such was her glory and her loveliness; and in her face was a shining light.”
(From J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Silmarillion)
The Tolkiens’ shared tombstone, with the inscriptions “Luthien” and “Beren”, Wolvercote Cemetery near Oxford
But the couple buried there were real people, even if their story could have been taken out of a fairy tale. He was an author, poet, linguist, and one of the most important fantasy writers of the modern era, who was (and is still) admired throughout the world to an unprecedented extent, and she was his beloved wife, who settled (or was forced to settle?) for the adoration of her own family.
John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa, but grew up as an orphan in late 19th century England. He lost his father when he was only four years old, and his mother when he was twelve. When Arthur Tolkien died, the widowed mother Mabel did everything in her power to provide a good life for her two sons – Ronald (of his three names, this was the name he was called by his family and close acquaintances) and young Hilary who was only a year old.
Mabel, who was an educated woman beyond what was common at the time, raised her sons in the green suburbs of Birmingham and gave them an excellent home education. Despite their poverty, it was a happy childhood. Ronald learned to love the things that filled his early life with wonder: the green trees and the countryside, his mother Mabel, and starting at the age of four – words and languages.
From the moment he learned to read, and as he progressed in his studies, Tolkien was captivated by linguistics. While his friends struggled with the correct spelling of modern English, he studied its origins and was fascinated by textbooks on ancient languages like Greek, Welsh, and Gothic.
His mother Mabel died of diabetes when she was only 34. Insulin, which could have saved her life, would only be discovered some two decades after her death. The children, who suddenly lost the wonderful environment they had grown up in along with their beloved mother, grieved bitterly. In her will, Mabel appointed Father Francis Xavier Morgan as their guardian, and the boys moved to live in the city of Birmingham itself.
Father Morgan was the priest of the small Catholic congregation that Mabel and the children had joined only four years earlier. This happened despite the protests of her family and the family of her late husband, who subsequently stopped supporting her financially. Father Francis’ visits to the Tolkien family home started out as part of his role as a dedicated parish priest, but very quickly he became a close friend to the lonely Mabel and a sort of “uncle” who provided much-needed kindness and amusement to her two sons. As Tolkien himself wrote to his own sons later in life, Father Francis was more present and significant to them than many “real” fathers.
After a rather unhappy period during which the children lived with a childless relative for a few years, Father Francis decided to move them into Mrs. Faulkner’s home on Duchess Road, near where many members of his congregation lived.
Aside from Mrs. Faulkner, the two-story house was also home to her husband Louis (who enjoyed a drink or two), their daughter Helen, the maid Annie, and another tenant who rented the room that was just below the boys’ room – a young girl named Edith Bratt. Edith was also an orphan, but that was where any similarity between her and the Tolkien brothers, with whom she’d be sharing this domestic space in the years to come, ended. While the boys came from a distinguished British lineage and benefited from a fine childhood education, she was the illegitimate daughter of Frances Bratt of Gloucester. Edith was over three years older than Ronald, her interests included music and sewing, and – she was a Protestant! This would soon become a major obstacle.
Edith Bratt, during the early years of her acquaintance with Tolkien
Edith was also incredibly kind, a gray-eyed beauty, and quite bored. When her guardian decided that she should live in the room in Mrs. Faulkner’s house, he thought that since she was studying music at the girls’ school, she’d be able to practice on the piano in the main room of the house. He hoped that in time she’d be able to work as a professional musician. But although she enjoyed Edith’s musical accompaniment during the evening singing sessions she occasionally hosted, Mrs. Faulkner wasn’t so generous when Edith sat down in front of the piano to practice. “My dear Edith” she’d say sourly, “I think that’s enough for now.”
When the boys arrived at the gloomy house with its climbing vines and forlorn lace curtains, it was like a breath of fresh air for Edith. She was especially fond of Ronald, the serious and talented young man. She discovered that he could be incredibly polite when necessary, but also goof around cheerfully at other times.
Despite their age gap, Ronald and Edith quickly became friends. He was mature for his age and she acted younger than hers. Together with Hilary, his mischievous brother, they conspired against the “old lady” who ran the house with an iron fist: they held secret parties in Edith’s room and went on long hikes together. As time went on, Edith and Ronald grew closer and closer, and the relationship that began as a friendship blossomed into young love.
Edith showed no interest in Ronald’s first great love (studying ancient languages and inventing new ones) and had received a much simpler education than he had. And yet they found enough topics of conversation to occupy long hours spent wandering the streets and teahouses of Birmingham.
They even came up with a private whistle-call that was meant just for them. “When Ronald heard it in the early morning or at bedtime,” Tolkien’s biographer Humphrey Carpenter explained, “he would go to his window and lean out to see Edith waiting at her own window below.”
In a letter to Edith years later, Tolkien recalled with longing, “My first kiss to you and your first kiss to me (which was almost accidental)—Our goodnights when sometimes you were in your little white nightgown, and our absurd long window talks; and how we watched the sun come up over town through the mist and Big Ben toll hour after hour, and the moths almost used to frighten you away—and our whistle-call—and our cycle-rides—and the fire talks—and to three great kisses.”
But no great romantic love story is complete without something to keep the couple apart from each other – at least for a time.
Ronald was supposed to study for a scholarship exam that would allow him entry into the institution that would become the most important in his life – Oxford. But between his captivation with Edith and his efforts to invent a new language, he found it a bit difficult to concentrate and failed to pass the test.
Father Francis, the benevolent guardian, was not too pleased with this relationship developing between his promising protégé and the young Protestant woman who was three years his elder. Before he even voiced his opposition, the two began to hide their meetings. “We thought we had managed things very cleverly,” Tolkien later wrote, but community gossip was stronger than their naive schemes.
Father Francis insistently demanded that Ronald end his “inappropriate” relationship with Edith immediately. He also arranged for Ronald and Hilary to move elsewhere. At the same time, Edith received an invitation to live in Cheltenham with an elderly lawyer and his wife, and she accepted.
In the period before Edith’s trip, they continued meeting secretly here and there, whenever they “happened” to bump into each other. She bought him a pen for his 18th birthday and he bought her a wristwatch for her 21st.
But when Father Francis heard that they had met again, he was furious. He even threatened to stop supporting Ronald’s academic career if he met, spoke, or wrote to Edith again until he reached the age of 21, at which point Ronald was no longer his responsibility.
What this meant was that the two endured three long years of forced separation. In the eyes of the young Tolkien, this was a truly horrible sentence.
Despite her longing for her Ronald, Edith liked her new life in Cheltenham, which was better than anything she had known before. Meanwhile, back in Birmingham, Ronald made his studies the focus of his life. He had close friends (who founded a secret society together), immersed himself in books, studied hard, began working on his own writing, played rugby, and continued working on languages, both historic and invented.
In 1911, after he finally passed his entrance exams, Ronald went off to study at Oxford and decided that despite everything, he was going to be happy there.
It wasn’t hard. Oxford quickly became the first real home he had known since his mother’s death.
Exeter College, Oxford, was like home for the young Tolkien
But he never forgot Edith. He thought about her every day. Three years after they parted, at midnight between January 2nd and 3rd in 1913 when Ronald Tolkien became a man in his own right, he sat on the bed in his room at Oxford and wrote Edith a promise of renewed love, ending the letter with the question: “How long will it be before we can be joined together before God and the world?”
But when he received his lover’s reply, everything turned black. She, not sure he still remembered her or wanted her, was engaged to marry George Field, the brother of her classmate.
But Edith was too important to Tolkien to give her up without a fight.
He went to Cheltenham to speak to her heart. When he got off the train, Edith was waiting for him on the platform. What did they say to each other that day after three years of silence? Did they repeat those “great kisses” from their happy times on Duchess Road? Tolkien didn’t bother leaving us a detailed record of that day, but that evening, Edith gave back the ring that George Field had given her.
Finally, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien and Edith Bratt were an official couple. At first, they kept it a secret, trying to recapture the feeling from when they’d longingly sneak around in the past. They were worried (and rightfully so) about how their families would react. Eventually, they publicly announced their engagement, and in the middle of World War I, they were married in a very modest ceremony in a small Catholic church.
From that satisfying “happily ever after” moment, they shared a life that was a wonderful combination of love and devotion, alongside occasional disappointments and arguments. In other words, marriage.
Tolkien was drafted into the British Army during the war and returned from the battlefield in France, sick with a disease that was then known as “trench fever.” For two years he was in and out of the hospital. During the very long hours he spent in bed, he began to write what would later become his legendarium – sometimes called the “Tolkien Mythology” – the foundation of the world upon which the books he later wrote were based. The world he created would transform him into one of history’s bestselling authors.
Edith, who in the meantime had given birth to their eldest son while she was alone and far from her beloved, described this period as a “miserable wandering homeless sort of life”. She wrote to Tolkien, teasing him somewhat begrudgingly and bitterly: “I should think you ought never to feel tired again, for the amount of Bed you have had since you came back from France nearly two years ago is enormous.”
But once the war ended, Tolkien was given his first academic position at Oxford, and life could truly begin for the young Tolkien family.
They saw ups and downs. Edith was unhappy in the elitist academic environment. She hated Oxford, hated the Catholic Church she was forced to join, and she envied her husband’s male friends who were a significant part of his inner world to which she was not granted entry.
Despite the notable differences in their education and their documented arguments and mutual complaints, none of their relatives or acquaintances ever doubted that they shared a great love.
Edith was proud of her husband, whose academic and literary success became meteoric over the years. For his part, Tolkien was a loving and devoted husband and father who took part in household chores, spent a lot of time with his children, and invented one-of-a-kind stories for them.
Modern critics tend to criticize Tolkien for his attitude toward women. They quote a letter he wrote to his son before his marriage (in which he warned him that a husband should know how to stand up for himself), point out the very small number of female characters in his literary work, and blame him for the fact that Edith followed in the path of his professional career and lived for many years in places she wasn’t fond of and where she felt no personal connection.
The truth, as always, is more complex. Tolkien adored Edith, and valued women in general to a degree that was quite unusual for those times. In fact, as an undergraduate he spoke in support of the tactics and objectives of the suffragettes while taking part in a school debate.
During Edith’s final years, once Tolkien retired and no longer had any academic obligations, he was the one who followed her. He agreed to leave Oxford for her and live in a small seaside town where she was happy. Her happiness in turn made him happy, even though the move forced him to give up large parts of his former life. As for the female characters in his works, even if they were few in number, they are all strong and magnificent, and most of them are much more impressive and talented than the men appearing beside them.
The immortal Luthien, heroine of The Silmarillion, saves Beren her beloved, just as he saves her.
“There came a time near dawn on the eve of spring, and Luthien danced upon a green hill; and suddenly she began to sing. Keen, heart-piercing was her song as the song of the lark that rises from the gates of night and pours its voice among the dying stars, seeing the sun behind the walls of the world; and the song of Luthien released the bonds of winter, and the frozen waters spoke, and flowers sprang from the cold earth where her feet had passed.
Then the spell of silence fell from Beren, and he called to her, crying Tinuviel; and the woods echoed the name. Then she halted in wonder, and fled no more, and Beren came to her. But as she looked on him, doom fell upon her, and she loved him.”
The Hebrew edition of Beren and Lúthien, by J.R.R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien, Keter Books
Edith was Tolkien’s Luthien. She was also the inspiration for the character. When she passed away, two years before him, he illustrated this with an incomparably beautiful gesture of love.
“For she was (and knew she was) my Lúthien,” he painfully wrote to his son Christopher when the latter asked why he wanted to have “Luthien” engraved on her tombstone.
“I am afflicted from time to time (increasingly) with an overwhelming sense of bereavement […] Yet I hope none of my children will feel that the use of this name is a sentimental fancy. It is at any rate not comparable to the quoting of pet names in obituaries. I never called Edith Lúthien – but she was the source of the story that in time became the chief pan of the Silmarillion. It was first conceived in a small woodland glade filled with hemlocks at Roos in Yorkshire (where I was for a brief time in command of an outpost of the Humber Garrison in 1917, and she was able to live with me for a while). In those days her hair was raven, her skin clear, her eyes brighter than you have seen them, and she could sing – and dance. But the story has gone crooked, & I am left, and I cannot plead before the inexorable Mandos. […] Forever (especially when alone) we still met in the woodland glade, and went hand in hand many times to escape the shadow of imminent death before our last parting.”
From a letter to Christopher Tolkien, July 11, 1972
Hidden Weapons, Explosives and Tunnels: The IDF’s Combat Engineers
No unit in the IDF can get very far without combat engineering personnel. However, these soldiers don't always get the credit they deserve for their critical contribution to Israel's defense. This is the story of the Combat Engineering Corps – the brave and careful soldiers charged with dismantling all types of obstacles that stand in the army's way.
One of the developments of the IDF Combat Engineering Corps, the "Nochri", which can be attached to the front of any vehicle, with the purpose of detonating any mine and thus protecting the vehicle and those inside. Photo: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.
In the early days of the State of Israel, Hillel El-Dag (originally Oldak) worked as an engineer for the Solel Boneh company in the construction of the Ramla bypass road, between Hulda and Masmiya in central Israel. One morning, when El-Dag arrived at the work site, he was surprised to find that his tractors had disappeared. Concerned at this turn of affairs, El-Dag rushed to neighboring Kibbutz Na’an, in the hope that someone there might know what happened to the expensive tractors. There, resting on the grass, he met a group of soldiers, including Givati Brigade Deputy Commander Meir’ke Davidson. After El-Dag introduced himself and asked whether they knew what had happened to his tractors, the deputy commander turned to him with a question of his own:
“Are you an engineer?” he asked immediately.
“Yes,” I answered
“Very well, consider yourself enlisted. We need an engineer for Givati [the IDF brigade].”
(from the book History of the Engineering Corps [Hebrew])
Among the many things that the young, new army required upon its establishment, there was an urgent need for experienced and professional engineering personnel. Finding suitable people was no simple matter, and the Israeli army searched for them under every nook, cranny… and tractor. As it turned out, Col. (Res.) El-Dag remained in the Engineering Corps, advanced up the chain of command, and eventually even served as Chief Engineering Officer between 1958 and 1964.
Engineering soldiers on a mine detection mission around the time of the Six-Day War, 1967. From the book History of the Engineering Corps by Ami Shamir, p. 65.
Engineering since the dawn of history
The first known fortifications in the world can actually be found within the borders of the Land of Israel; they were built in Jericho in the seventh millennium BCE. Engineering has been necessary in every place and in every period as a means of both defense and attack. Our ancestors used engineering to figure out how best to impose an effective siege, and how to defend against a siege that was imposed on them. The renewed Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel needed solutions to protect itself from hostile activity by local Arabs and their allies. The laws of the British Mandate forbade Jews from carrying weapons, so the engineers from the Jewish underground organizations established hidden caches of weapons in kibbutzim and border communities (such a hiding place was called a slik in Hebrew). These arms caches proved essential ahead of the establishment of the State of Israel.
The first engineers to seriously dedicate themselves to the issue of how to properly protect the Jewish communities of Mandatory Palestine joined together in 1934, when the technical department of the Haganah was established. They were occupied with planning and constructing fortifications for the border settlements and within cities that had mixed Jewish-Arab populations, with the bulk of their efforts focused on establishing the “Tower and Stockade” settlements in the years 1936-1939. This was a large-scale engineering-military-settlement operation to capture strategic points throughout the country on which settlements could be established. The Haganah’s technical department played a critical role in planning the complex operation, in a way that would be effective, applicable, and safe. All the materials were prepared ahead of time. Along with a wooden tower, a barrier was built to surround the settlement. This barrier was made of two parallel wooden walls with gravel filling the gap between them. These fortifications would typically be erected within a single day. This is how the kibbutzim Nir David, Hanita, Sha’ar HaGolan, Dan, Dafna and a total of over 50 settlements were established.
Constructing a wall around a “Tower and Stockade” settlement, late 1930s-early 1940s. This photograph is part of the Archive Network Israel project and is available as part of a collaboration between Yad Yitzhak Ben Zvi, the Ministry of Heritage, and the National Library of Israel.
The first missions which were carried out by the underground organizations and which required advanced military-engineering knowledge took place shortly before the War of Independence. They included the Palmach’s bombing of strategic bridges on the “Night of the Bridges” in June 1946, and the Irgun’s bombing of a wing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. Many who would later become IDF engineers gained their experience within the British Army’s Jewish Brigade. Among them was Emmanuel Shahar, who would become the first commander of the Combat Engineering Corps upon the establishment of the Israel Defense Forces.
Two tents and an old building housed the first IDF engineering school in the Jalil area – today’s Glilot, just north of Tel Aviv, which was established a few months after the beginning of the War of Independence to quickly train people in the engineering professions. Conditions were not promising, to say the least. Studies were initially offered in two languages: Hebrew and Yiddish. The few instructors were often borrowed by the fighting forces. In the small school that housed 30 students in total, there were hardly any explosives, let alone written material.
An article about the first military engineering school, published in the DavarNewspaper on August 23, 1978
During one training session dedicated to explosives, a trainee lit a delay fuse that was attached to a bomb. The trainee was gripped with fear and was unable to throw the explosive away quickly enough. Due to this moment of hesitation, peoples’ lives were suddenly in danger. Luckily, the instructor, Yossi Ben Hurin, jumped on the trainee and managed to quickly throw the explosive away from the area. The trainee was unharmed, but Ben Hurin was injured by shrapnel. This accident inspired the immortal slogan that accompanies the IDF’s Combat Engineering Corps to this day, coined by Eliezer Meron, the school’s first commander: “A sapper makes a mistake only once in his life.”
Since it was very difficult to obtain proper engineering equipment, the majority was improvised in the field. The corps members used resourcefulness, ingenuity, and whatever the British left behind, as well as equipment from large construction companies, contractors, kibbutzim, or private individuals. The shortage of mines led to the invention of dummy mines, and later also to the use of dummy tanks and dummy cannons that were activated remotely. These “fake” mines and tanks were convincing enough to require enemy forces to expend resources on removing the perceived threat. Such inventions helped the IDF cope with its own equipment shortages.
A soldier from the Combat Engineering Corps lays a line of mines during an IDF exercise in the south. Photo: Yaacov Sa’ar, Government Press Office.
Improvisation is the name of the game
The Combat Engineering Corps has not always received the recognition it deserves, even though its importance on the battlefield is enormous. On the morning of May 15th, the day after the declaration of the State of Israel, there was serious concern over a coordinated invasion by seven armies into Israel’s territory, casting a shadow over the leaders of the new state. Major General Yochanan Ratner, head of the IDF’s Planning Directorate, entered the room and said:
“The key to stopping the seven armies is in the hands of the Engineering Corps.”
The engineering personnel promised to do everything in their power to prevent Israel from needing to face seven fronts at once. Blowing up bridges over the Jordan River was one of the first and most critical actions taken by the Combat Engineering Corps at that time, as it helped prevent the Jordanian army from invading the settlements in the Jordan Valley and Beit She’an Valley. On the southern front, mines were effective in holding back the Egyptian army.
Later, breaking through Burma Road to besieged Jerusalem, the Engineering Corps played a critical role in paving the way to the capital. Equipment shortages meant that the soldiers sometimes had to work with their bare hands. The operation was completed at the very last moment, just before the first temporary truce between Israel and the Arab countries came into effect. On a part of the road, between Givat Shaul and Motza, the engineers even made use of some physical features of an ancient Roman road which passed through the area. Breaking through to the city with this road offered a lifeline for the blockaded residents of Jerusalem and a tremendous morale boost for the Jewish population which was fighting for its life.
The members of the Engineering Corps created roads wherever they were needed. The harsh battles and the pressing deadlines sometimes demanded unbelievable ingenuity, like on the eve of Operation Horev, when military forces needed to get from Be’er Sheva to Gaza, but their path was blocked: Heavy rain from late-December 1948 had turned the desert’s loess soil into muddy quicksand. For four days and nights, the crews of the Engineering Corps worked on preparing a road for safe passage of the battalions. They used whatever they could find – nets, cans, cypress trunks, and even coats spread along the road – to ensure that the wheels of the heavy trucks wouldn’t get stuck in the mud. All this was done in order to enable the IDF forces to pass through and reach their destination. At the end of the operation, Yigal Alon, who had commanded the southern front, sent a letter of appreciation to the commander of the Engineering Corps for his men’s hard work and dedication. Since that day, the Engineering Corps has always worked closely with the initial breakthrough force in every war and major operation the IDF has undertaken. No commander wants to enter unfamiliar territory without an engineering team close by to help pave the way and clear any possible threats.
A floating bridge over the Suez Canal, erected during the Yom Kippur War. Photo: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit. This photograph is part of the Archive Network Israel project and is available as part of a collaboration between the Bet Hashita Archive, the Ministry of Heritage, and the National Library of Israel.
Saluting the mines
Much is often left unsaid about the IDF’s Combat Engineering Corps. Many are simply unaware of the incredible responsibilities these soldiers undertake, as well as the changing nature of their roles, and their critical contribution to the war effort in all of the country’s major conflicts. Engineering personnel are at the forefront of any major military force. No infantry or armored division commander is willing to move without them. Their professionalism and experience in breaking through roads and eliminating risks are irreplaceable.
This is a small and professional corps, whose various units are always busy – in times of war as well as times of relative quiet. Their areas of responsibility include, among others, explosives, mining and clearing mines, breaking through obstacles, blocking roads, preparing fortifications, building and demolishing bridges, and operating heavy engineering equipment. The corps includes three regular battalions: Asaf, Lahav and Machatz, and the special unit Yahalom (the elite engineering unit used for special operations).
Forces from the IDF’s Combat Engineering Corps engaged in operational activity in Jenin during Operation Defensive Shield, aimed at destroying terror infrastructure in the Palestinian Authority. Photo: IDF Spokesperson’s Unit
The challenges facing the Engineering Corps are constantly changing. During the Yom Kippur War, it was tasked with facilitating the Suez Canal crossing. When the IDF was operating in Lebanon, its engineers had to cope with a massive amount of improvised explosive devices. More recently, the Engineering Corps have been focused on providing advanced solutions for uncovering and demolishing tunnels.
On October 7, reservists from the Engineering Corps were called up to serve, and they have been working tirelessly in all the sectors ever since, especially in providing unique engineering solutions for the units operating in the Gaza Strip.
A soldier from the Engineering Corps in northern Israel, October 2023. Photo: vlad_krivchansky
Soldiers from the Engineering Corps are combat warriors in every sense of the word, who are highly specialized in the following spheres:
“You need to be a soldier who uses your head all the time: where is the smartest place to plant a mine, a charge or a demolition block?” Matan, a reservist in the Combat Engineering Corps, explains. “You have to understand that the Engineering Corps maintains such a high level of operational preparedness, and the changes and adjustments are so frequent that if I need to miss one drill in the reserves, it is immediately noticeable and I need to work twice as hard during the next drill to maintain my level of competence.”
Along with the obvious risks, he says, serving in the Engineering Corps has clear advantages: “The risk in our work is so high that it creates friends for life. We have to trust each other a thousand percent.” These conditions mean that combat engineering soldiers must heavily consider the risks they face every time they are called on to dismantle a charge. As an engineering officer who identified himself as Ori said in an interview in 1969: “To this day, I salute every mine before I approach it.”
Documents recently discovered in the Archives Department of the National Library of Israel shed new light on the forgotten Hebrew community of Gaza, as well as the Jews who lived in and visited the city even after the community no longer officially existed
The Gaza beach, 1924. This photograph is part of the Archive Network Israel project and is made available as part of a collaboration between the Yad Yitzhak Ben-Zvi Institute, the Israeli Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage and the National Library of Israel.
The third decade of the 20th century was the last decade of existence for the old Jewish community of Gaza.
By this point the community had dwindled down to only a handful of people, but in the past, it had included prominent figures such as Nathan of Gaza, a well-known follower of Sabbatai Zevi, and Rabbi Israel Najara, author of the liturgical poem Ya Ribon Olam,
In a letter from 1926, discovered in the archive of Moshe David Gaon, a scholar of Eastern Jewry and author of the monumental work Yehudei HaMizrach Be’Eretz Yisrael(“Jews of the East in the Land of Israel”), which is kept at the National Library, Mr. Dromi, secretary of the Hebrew community council in Gaza, provided Gaon with details on the state of the community. Dromi noted that it had its own elected council, and numbered 51 people, Ashkenazim and Sephardim alike, in contrast to the period before the war, when there were close to a hundred Jews in Gaza.
From the Moshe David Gaon Archive, which is in the process of being cataloged and is made accessible thanks to the kind donation of the Samis Foundation, Seattle, Washington
During the 1929 riots, the Jews of Gaza were forced to flee the city, and that was the official end of the community, but does that mean that there was no longer a Jewish presence in Gaza?
The Gaza community has seen ups and downs over the years, and during the first half of the 19th century it ceased to exist, apparently due to the invasion of Muhammad Ali, the de facto ruler of Egypt at the time. During the second half of the 19th century, the city’s Jewish community was renewed at the initiative of Klonymus Ze’ev Wissotzky, founder of the Wissotzky Tea Company, and Hacham Nissim Elkayam, a Torah scholar and merchant born in Morocco. The Jews of the city were mainly Sephardim who were familiar with the Arabic language and culture.
They came from various places, mainly from Jaffa, but also from Aleppo, Hebron and even from Europe. The majority of them worked in trade, especially of barley and colocynth, a bitter fruit with medicinal properties that grows around Gaza and is also known as “vine of Sodom” or “wild gourd”. Due to their extensive trade relations with the local Bedouin tribes, some of the city’s Jews lived for several months of the year near the tribes, outside the city, and even adopted some of their habits. For example, Jewish men used to ride horses and wear a sash with a dagger and a gun. The Jews of Gaza were also involved in banking, and a branch of the Anglo-Palestine Bank opened in the city. In his memoir, the bank’s manager, Abraham Elmaliah, describes how the bank’s management traveled by train from Jaffa to Gaza to be there on the day it opened, and along the way they were greeted with songs and blessings by farmers from the Jewish colonies (moshavot) as well as the Jews of Gaza themselves. The bank was highly respected in the city, its manager Elmaliah was always accompanied by two Kavass guards, a symbol of honored status.
Due to its isolation from other communities, the Gaza community was generally a cohesive and unified collective. Former community members recalled different families celebrating Sukkot and Passover together. Typically, several Jewish families would share a single living compound, with each compound having a dedicated room intended to accommodate Jews who were spending the night in the city, on their way from Cairo to the Land of Israel.
The Moshe David Gaon Archive includes evidence of the solidarity felt among members of the community. Among other things, the archive includes letters from the heads of the community to the Chief Sephardic Rabbi, Rabbi Moshe Franco, the Rishon LeZion, with requests to support the members of the community in preparation for the Passover holiday.
A letter from the Jewish community in Gaza to Chief Rabbi Franco, 1912. From the Moshe David Gaon Archive, which is in the process of being cataloged thanks to the kind donation of the Samis Foundation, Seattle, Washington
Jewish religious life was also quite developed in the city. There was a rabbi who also served as a teacher, kosher slaughterhouses, a ritual bath, and a Jewish cemetery. Although it wasn’t a large community, it had three synagogues, one for each extended family. At the initiative of one of the dignitaries of the community, Nissim Elkayam, who was influenced by Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, a Hebrew school was established in Gaza at the beginning of the 20th century. Two teachers sent from Jerusalem taught there. Rabbi Nissim Ohana served as the rabbi of the community for part of the time. He later served as a rabbi in New York, Egypt, Malta and Haifa. During his stay in Gaza, Rabbi Ohana wrote a book, in collaboration with the Mufti (Muslim Leader) of Gaza, Sheikh Abdullah al-Alami, entitled Know What You Will Answer Epicurus: Clear Answers from the Bible Itself. The purpose of the book was to provide Jews and Muslims with replies that could be used to counter the efforts of Christian missionaries, who ran a hospital in the city at the time.
World War I was a severe setback for the Jewish community of Gaza. Most of the city’s Jews had foreign citizenship and were therefore expelled from the country by the Ottoman government. While a number of families had local citizenship and could remain in the city, they were required to enlist in the Ottoman army or, alternatively, pay a high ransom. As a result, the Jewish community effectively ceased to exist for several years, until after the war. Once the fighting was over and the land had been conquered by the British Army (which established a military cemetery in the city with several Jewish graves), the Jews slowly began to return to Gaza, but the Arab nationalist awakening damaged the close neighborly relations that had existed in the past between Jews and Arabs. Among other things, many Arabs refused to rent houses to Jews, and since part of Gaza was destroyed during the war, Jews had difficulty finding homes in the city. The Jewish community also suffered a lack of support from the national institutions, which no longer saw any value in Jews living in the heart of Arab cities, preferring instead to focus on developing new agricultural communities.
In late Summer of 1929, things reached a boiling point. As part of the Arab riots that were now raging throughout the country, there was an attempt to attack members of the Jewish community in Gaza as well. According to press reports at the time, local Jews barricaded themselves in the Jewish hotel near the police building. An Arab mob that attacked them had to retreat after one of the Jews fired a gun and others poured sulfuric acid on one of the Arab intruders (see, for example, an article in Haaretz dated September 1, 1929 and the recollections of Gaza resident Sara Yaffe as quoted in Ma’arivdated December 9, 1956). With the help of some distinguished Arabs locals who were on friendly terms with the community, along with the British police, the Jews managed to board trucks that took them to the Gaza train station, where they had to wait for the train from Alexandria to Lod, all while the angry mob was still trying to get at them. This was the end of the Jewish community in Gaza.
Although the community in Gaza ceased to exist after the 1929 riots, there were many Jews for whom Gaza was never forgotten. Jewish tourist groups, including some led by geographer Joseph Braslavi, and the “Association of Wanderers in the Land of Israel”, continued to visit the city. In 1934, the Association, of which Moshe David Gaon was a member, published an ad for a trip to the southern part of the country to include Beer Sheva, Ashkelon, and Gaza. Participants were asked to bring food for a day and a half, a jug of water, a Bible, and a map of the area. Among other things, the trip included a visit to the ancient mosque of Gaza, which had a pillar inside with a seven-branched menorah engraved on it.
From the Moshe David Gaon Archive, which is in the process of being cataloged and is made accessible thanks to the kind donation of the Samis Foundation, Seattle, Washington
Documents found in the archives of the entrepreneur Shmuel Zvi Holtzman, which is also kept at the National Library, show that even after the dissolution of the community in Gaza, Jews still lived in the city and dreamed of re-establishing their community. In a letter from 1933, a Jewish agronomist and resident of Gaza named Eliyahu Kapsuto, who was appointed by the Gaza municipality to oversee vegetation in the city, appealed to Holtzman asking him to send grass seeds.
From the Archive of Shmuel Zvi Holtzman
Holtzman himself had planned to renew Jewish settlement in Gaza. In a draft memorandum that was found in his personal archives, there’s a detailed plan to establish a stock-holding company, “The Land of Israel Company for Planting and Building, Ltd.”, whose purpose was to establish a Jewish farming colony (moshava) near Gaza. The plan was never realized, and we don’t have any further details about it. It is possible that Holtzman abandoned his plan so that he could focus on establishing the Gush Etzion cluster of settlements, which he founded at that time.
From the Archive of Shmuel Zvi Holtzman
The Moshe David Gaon Archive is in the process of being cataloged and is made accessible at the National Library of Israel, thanks to the kind donation of the Samis Foundation, Seattle, Washington, dedicated to the memory of Samuel Israel. Arik Kitsis is the archivist in charge of handling the Moshe David Gaon archive.