“I can’t see you, but I feel you, and I know that you are happy, because you are in your homeland, which is being rebuilt.”

Water vs. Corona? Don’t Try This at Home!
Curing diseases, restoring organs, revitalizing the body and even resurrecting the dead! Rare caricatures from 19th-century England prove that strange folk remedies have been with us for a while…

The Last Resort: The Man Who Saved the World from Two Pandemics
What if you found a vaccine for a deadly disease and no one believed you? What if your only option was to inject yourself with a weakened strain and hope for the best?

Making Japanese Washi Paper
The members of the National Library’s Conservation and Restoration Department make sure they are constantly up to date, even when it concerns the most ancient traditions; recently, they attended a workshop dedicated to the secrets of making Japanese washi paper

Saving a 400 Year-Old Manuscript
A 16th-century Yemeni manuscript containing a wonderful illustration of a menorah is being restored in our Conservation and Restoration Department. Come have a look behind the scenes