Isaac Amon is a licensed attorney and counselor and a proud alum of Washington University in St. Louis. He graduated summa cum laude, with a thesis on the Spanish Inquisition, which was awarded Highest Honors by the Department of History. He then graduated from the School of Law as the class speaker and as the inaugural degree holder of a joint J.D., and LL.M. in alternative dispute resolution. He served as the Legislative Director for the Missouri Department of Corrections, where he visited every state prison and served as legal counsel to the Parole Board in death penalty cases. He then earned his J.S.D. (Ph.D. in Law), specializing in comparative criminal procedure. He has met survivors of 20th century genocides from Rwanda, the former Yugoslavia, and the Holocaust, as well as with Benjamin Ferencz, the last living Nuremberg Prosecutor. He has further visited infamous sites where the Inquisition operated (Portugal, Spain, Italy) to Nazi death camps, ghettos, and mass graves throughout Central and Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Serbia, Romania and Poland). He currently consults, gives zoom lectures on law and history, and has two forthcoming articles in the United States and Europe on prosecutorial discretion and medieval modes of legal proof. Most recently, he spoke on self-incrimination before the American Society of Comparative Law and is scheduled to present on the right to counsel before the European Society for Comparative Legal History this summer at the University of Lisbon.