Tunes from his childhood accompanied Yitzchak Freilich through the camps and on to his new life in America. Recorded by his son, they are now online as part of the National Library of Israel collection
Toby Perl Freilich
Toby Perl Freilich is a documentary filmmaker and writer living in Jerusalem. She Co-produced and Directed Moynihan, a film about the late NY Senator, policy expert and public intellectual; Directed, Produced and Wrote Inventing Our Life: The Kibbutz Experiment; and was Writer and Co-Producer of Secret Lives: Hidden Children & Their Rescuers During WW II. Freilich has written for the Jewish Review of Books, Tablet, the Forward, and Sh’ma magazines. She is currently working on a film about artist Mierle Laderman Ukeles, the first artist-in-residence at the New York City Department of Sanitation.