Take a musical voyage through three melodies written to different verses from the “Avinu Malkeinu” prayer, embarking from the widespread Ashkenazi tune, passing through a familiar Chassidic niggun and ending with Max Janowski’s melody.
The Book of Niggunim
On the secret behind the Chabad Book of Niggunim and about the Chassid Shmuel Zalmanov who was selected for the mission of rescuing the niggunim from oblivion.
Hanukkah Songs and Sounds From Across the Globe
From Turkey to France, in Hebrew, Yiddish and Ladino: Have a listen!
Bringing Darkness to Light: Singing Hanukkah Songs Through the Holocaust
Rare recordings kept in the National Library’s collection reveal the Chanukah songs that gave hope to Jewish children during WWII.
Hava Nagilah – The Birth of a Song
The story of ecstasy that produced the most famous Jewish song in the world.
The Composer Paul Ben-Chaim and his Journey from Germany to the Middle East
Ben-Chaim’s story is the story of a German Jew who experienced the brunt of the rupture led by the upheavals of fate in his time