British author and academic Dr. Rachel Lichtenstein spent the past year working with seven different communities across Europe to bring old Jewish cemeteries alive through new and exciting initiatives, encouraging a phenomenal revival of Jewish history

A Rare Glimpse of Jewish Schools in Hungary after the Holocaust
Jewish schools after the destruction: View rare photos smuggled into Israel from post-war Hungary

Rabbi Löw’s “Kiss” from Prison
101 years after it was written, “The Kiss” by preeminent Hungarian Rabbi Immánuel Löw has finally been translated into English

The Continued Destruction of Budapest’s Jewish Quarter
Local landmarks approved for demolition

Who Is the Israeli Who Won 10 Olympic Medals?
During the Holocaust, she escaped the Nazis using forged documents. Only a decade later she was known around the world as one of the greatest Olympic gymnasts of all time. Discover the amazing story of Ágnes Keleti.

The Rabbi Who Performed Scientific Research From a Hungarian Prison
In 1920 Rabbi Immánuel Lőw, the chief rabbi of the Hungarian city of Szeged was arrested by Hungarian authorities who interrogated and imprisoned him for a year.