The light of the Hanukkah candles shining through our windows is one of the most important aspects of the holiday, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness. Yet, there have been moments in Jewish history when even lighting candles posed a danger to Jewish communities around the world. Over the centuries, how have Jews coped when the simple act of lighting the menorah put them at risk?

Sukkah Scuffles: Surprising Testimony From the 12th Century
The only mentions of a sukkah in the Cairo Genizah refer to communal sukkot in synagogue courtyards. A fact that caused quite a bit of trouble.

The Strange Connection Between a Medieval Shopping List and a Divorce Contract
A shopping list found among the treasures of the Cairo Genizah was scrawled on the back of a rather important document.

Revealed: How Hanukkah Was Celebrated a Thousand Years Ago
We collected a few greetings and well-wishes for the holiday that were found in the famous Cairo Genizah

Rare: A Remnant of One of the Oldest Yom Kippur Prayer Books in the World
A glimpse at a remnant from an 11th century prayer book discovered in the Cairo Genizah

What Can You Find in the World’s Oldest Yiddish Letter? Exactly What You Would Expect
Looking for proof that nothing ever changes? In this ancient letter a mother complains to her son that he doesn’t write to her often enough… Sound familiar?

You’re Going to Die and be Buried – So Better Do It in Style
Documents from the Cairo Genizah: How is one to be buried? And more importantly, what should one wear to the burial? Egyptian Jews had clear requirements on the matter.

A Parrot from India Recites ‘Shema Yisrael’ in Cairo
A particular parrot mentioned in a manuscript from the famous Cairo Genizah possessed an impressive knowledge of Jewish scripture!