A different kind of redemption from Greek tyranny

Yitzhak Rabin’s First Peace Negotiation (and Necktie)
The twentysomething officer had never been abroad nor worn a suit

Eating by Example on Yom Kippur, an Epidemic Story
When cholera ran rampant, saving lives superseded all else

The Ramban’s Prayer Unearthed and in English for the First Time
“Guide me in your truth and fulfill me from its delights”

A ‘High Holiday Prayer’ to the Czar
After he freed the serfs, Alexander II was virtually deified by one leading Jewish newspaper

Pearl and the Golem-Maker: A Love Story
How the decades-long romance between the Maharal of Prague and his wife began

The National Day of Mourning… and Fundraising?
In the early 20th century, Zionists rallied around Tisha B’Av

Tolstoy and the Jews: It’s Complicated
A glimpse into the legendary Russian author’s relationship with the People of the Book

Torah, Raki and Yogurt: Shavuot on the Aegean Sea
A nostalgic celebration with the Jews of Saloniki

The Epidemic That Brought Jews Back to Jerusalem
Fleeing a Galilean plague, a handful of the Vilna Gaon’s students rewrote the holy city’s history