It met in a movie theater, had a really weird assassination attempt, was led by a shockingly diverse coalition, and ended in resignation…

Israel’s Astounding (and Imprecise) World Record
The unbelievable story of how 1,088 (or was it 1,122?) people flew aboard a single airplane as part of 1991’s Operation Solomon

Drawing Moses… From the Sublime to the Ridiculous
A glimpse into how artists across the ages have tried to depict the undepictable events at Mt. Sinai…

David Ben David Cheated Death… and Missed Israel’s Birth
He swam to Haifa in 1940, unknowingly escaping the ill-fated “Patria”, then spent most of the 1948 war as a POW, saved from death more than once by his Arab Legion captors

Reporting the Holocaust Alongside Vacation Ads
In 1939, sickening accounts of impending genocide appeared on the same pages as cruise and resort promos

His Sugar Cube Vaccine Beat Polio. Then He Took a Shot at Middle East Peace
Albert Sabin may be less famous than Jonas Salk, but he probably shouldn’t be

Lost Letter on Zionism from ‘Father of the Chinese Nation’ Surfaces
Century-old message from Dr. Sun Yat-sen found at the National Library of Israel now online

The Unsung Heroine-Artist Who Helped Save Israel’s Wildflowers
From a very young age, Bracha Avigad’s roots connected her to the Land of Israel and its flora

How Has Israel’s National Library Responded to the COVID-19 Crisis?
Staying healthy and maximizing opportunities during a complicated and difficult period

The Ghost Shtetl of Isaac Bashevis Singer’s Youth
30 years after his death, the Nobel laureate’s village is being rebuilt, including a massive replica of a synagogue that was never there